In following text I will speak on a topic of great importance in the human relations of the company and that to a great extent affects the life itself of the persons. The values integrate in his set represent a great value for the humanity; for this it is necessary to know his classification, his meaning both for the morality and for the ethics and the aspects that go in opposition to these.
The word value means force and health. When we say that something has value we affirm that it is good, worthy of appreciation and estimation. In the world of the ethics and the morality, the values they are qualities that we can think in the world that it surrounds us.
The moral values are those that orientate our conduct, on the basis of them we decide how to act before the different situations that us the life raises. They relate principally to the effects that there has what we do in other persons, in the company, in the company or in our environment in general. Hereby, if we want to live in peace and to be happy, we must construct between all a set of values that facilitates our individual growth in order that, across him, we contribute the better thing from us to a community that also will have greatly to give itself.
Both expressions refer to this type of attitudes and behaviors that better persons do of us, more human. Though the morality describes the behaviors that lead us towards the good and desirable thing, and the ethics are the philosophical science that thinks about the above mentioned behaviors, so much one as other one they stimulate us to live in agreement with a high set of moral values.
As well as there is a set of moral values, also she is of immoral values or antivalues. The injustice, the dishonesty, the intransigence, the intolerance, the perfidy, the irresponsibility, the nonchalance, the egoism, is examples of these antivalues that govern the conduct of the immoral persons. An immoral person is that one that is placed opposite to the table of values in negative attitude, to reject them or to violate them. The practice of the antivalues is something erroneous; because not only us dehumanize, but it makes us deserving of the scorn, the distrust and the rejection on the part of our similar ones.
The world of the values is wide, complex and in permanent transformation. In every epoch new values appear or the old values change name. We all are free, besides choosing our values and of giving them the order and the importance that we consider to be correct in agreement with our way of being and of thinking. Nevertheless, there are values that do not change, that remain from generation to generation, always and everywhere. Universal values, which we would demand from any person. On the values it depends that we take a pleasing, happy life, in harmony with us themselves and with the others; a life that is worth a sorrow being lived and in the one that we could develop fully as persons and workers.
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